
Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination emphasized the importance of empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities, specifically those with Down syndrome, to help them reach their full potential

On World Down Syndrome Day,

The institution provides its services to 279 students from that category at its affiliated care centers.

Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination emphasized the importance of empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities, specifically those with Down syndrome, to help them reach their full potential, enabling their integration into society and living fulfilling lives. This can be achieved by creating inclusive environments that value diversity and provide equal opportunities for them. This includes enhancing access to resources, removing societal barriers, and implementing policies and practices that ensure equal opportunities for employment, education, and social participation for people of determination in general, especially those with Down syndrome.

On World Down Syndrome Day, observed on March 21st each year, the organization stated that it provides its services to 279 students from this category enrolled in its care and rehabilitation centers across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It noted that early intervention programs, such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and special education, can provide support and assistance to individuals with Down syndrome in developing necessary skills for communication, self-care, social interactions, and academic learning.

Abdullah Al Hammadi, the Secretary-General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, emphasized the utmost importance of raising awareness about Down syndrome to ensure that individuals affected by this condition receive the support, understanding, and equal opportunities they deserve. He highlighted the vital role of education in breaking stereotypes and promoting inclusivity through educating ourselves and others about Down syndrome. By doing so, we empower individuals affected by this genetic disorder and contribute to creating a more inclusive society.

He added that celebrating World Down Syndrome Day aims to spread awareness and support for individuals with Down syndrome, recognizing their unique abilities and strengths to enhance social integration and acceptance. Additionally, World Down Syndrome Day provides an opportunity for people from around the world to come together and show their support for those affected by this condition. By increasing our understanding of Down syndrome, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone. Al Hammadi pointed out that empowering and integrating people of determination into society through their involvement with external community members and enhancing their self-confidence are among the goals pursued by the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination.

Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination provides its services to a total of 279 students from that category. Among them are 147 students at the Abu Dhabi Care and Rehabilitation Center, with 73 in early intervention and 74 in the intellectual development department. Additionally, there are 72 students at the Al Ain Care and Rehabilitation Center, including 28 in early intervention and 44 in the intellectual development department. At the Zayed City Care and Rehabilitation Center, there are 13 students, with 4 in intellectual development, 5 in vocational rehabilitation, 3 in early intervention, and 1 with severe disabilities. Furthermore, there are 6 students at the Ghayathi Care and Rehabilitation Center, including 2 in intellectual development and 6 in vocational rehabilitation. Additionally, there are 8 students at both the Al Qou Care and Rehabilitation Center and the Al Waqan Care and Rehabilitation Center, with 4 in vocational rehabilitation, 2 in early intervention, and 2 in cooperative education at Al Waqan. Seven students are enrolled at the Al Sela Care and Rehabilitation Center, with 5 in vocational rehabilitation and 2 in intellectual development. Lastly, there are 8 students at the Al Marfa Care and Rehabilitation Center, with all 8 students in vocational rehabilitation, and one student in early intervention.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by abnormal cell division, resulting in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material leads to changes in growth and physical features characteristic of Down syndrome, which vary in severity among affected individuals, causing intellectual disability and lifelong developmental delays.

Symptoms: Each person with Down syndrome experiences mild, moderate, or severe cognitive and developmental challenges. Some may have significant health issues such as serious heart defects. Children and adults with Down syndrome typically have distinct facial features. Although not all individuals with Down syndrome share the same facial characteristics, common features include a flat facial profile, small head, short neck, protruding tongue, upward slanting eyes (epicanthal folds), unusual or small ears, weak muscle tone, short, broad hands with a single crease in the palm, relatively short fingers, and small feet with excessive flexibility, along with small, white spots on the colored part (iris) of the eye called Brushfield spots.

Intellectual disabilities: Most children with Down syndrome experience mild to moderate cognitive impairment, delayed language development, and effects on both short-term and long-term memory. Down syndrome is usually diagnosed before or at birth.
Page Last Update: 25 March 2024
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