Abu Dhabi

A delegation from the International Rehabilitation Organization commended the care and rehabilitation provided to various categories of people with disabilities in the United Arab Emirates, particularly through the programs, initiatives

Hosting arrangements for the Abu Dhabi World Rehabilitation Conference under the theme "Work and Employment" next September.

A delegation from the International Rehabilitation Organization commended the care and rehabilitation provided to various categories of people with disabilities in the United Arab Emirates, particularly through the programs, initiatives, and projects of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination. This came following a visit by the delegation of the international organization, led by the Secretary-General of the organization, Ms. Tiouta Rexhepi, to the headquarters of the institution to learn about its experience in the field of care and rehabilitation for various categories of people with disabilities. The delegation also sought to understand the services provided by the institution, including educational, rehabilitation, psychological, and social care services. They were welcomed by His Excellency Abdullah Al-Hamidan, the Secretary-General of the institution, and several of its leaders.

Members of the delegation, including Jan Johannson, the CEO of the 24th World Rehabilitation Conference of the International Rehabilitation Organization, Jens Schremmer, Head of the Secretary-General's Office at the International Social Security Association, Gregor Kumberg, Vice President for the European region, Anna Joy and Jong Ji from the office of the President of the International Rehabilitation Organization, Christoph Gautzbronner, the elected President, and Hashem Taqi, Vice President for the Arab region, expressed their admiration for the services provided by the institution. They described them as comprehensive and integrated services, expressing their great pleasure in visiting the institution, touring its facilities, meeting with students and educational staff, and learning about the efforts made by all employees to provide care and rehabilitation for people with disabilities. They affirmed that these efforts clearly demonstrate the UAE's strong commitment to providing comprehensive services, whether health or rehabilitation-related, for these categories.

In turn, His Excellency Abdullah Abdulali Al-Hamidan, the Secretary-General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, welcomed the visit of the delegation from the International Rehabilitation Organization to learn about the institution's experience in providing care and rehabilitation for various categories of people with disabilities. They discussed the institution's preparations for organizing and hosting the World Rehabilitation Conference, which is being held in Abu Dhabi for the first time in the Middle East from September 23 to 25 of the current year, under the theme "Work and Employment." The conference is organized by "Zayed Higher" in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Convention and Exhibition Bureau at the Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC).

He emphasized that hosting the World Rehabilitation Conference demonstrates the UAE's stature and capability, along with its significant success factors for various events and occasions. He highlighted the country's integrated infrastructure and essential pillars, all under the wise leadership's support for development and progress in various fields. He pointed out that this important event is a unique opportunity to shed light on the efforts made in the field of rehabilitating and training people with disabilities, embodying the commitment to caring for them and enabling them to actively participate in the process of sustainable development.

His Excellency Abdullah Abdulali Al-Hamidan provided a brief overview to the delegation about the establishment history of Zayed Higher Organization and the services it provides to people with disabilities, as well as the number of beneficiaries from these services. He also highlighted the continuous and unlimited support provided by the leadership of the United Arab Emirates to these categories. He mentioned the organization's commitment to implementing the directives of the wise leadership by continuously offering the latest and most advanced methods of care and rehabilitation for these categories. The organization also strives to attract the best global technologies and experiences in this field.

During the visit, the delegation from the International Rehabilitation Organization received a brief introductory presentation accompanied by visual presentations about the strategic projects, plans, and programs of Zayed Higher Organization. They also learned about the services provided to various categories of people with disabilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including both citizens and residents.

The field visit began at "Beehive Café" to familiarize the delegation with the first-of-its-kind project in the UAE, a cafe run by individuals with disabilities. The cafe not only serves specialty coffee but also provides technical training to rehabilitate people with disabilities, enabling them to obtain internationally accredited certification in the field of coffee making. The café has been designated as an international training center for people with disabilities.

The delegation also visited several vocational rehabilitation workshops at the institution, including a sewing workshop, which is a pioneering project providing employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual challenges. The workshop focuses on developing rehabilitation paths that align with the requirements of the labor market. Additionally, they visited the Beehive Bakery, which offers various baked goods crafted by the skilled hands of people with disabilities.

The delegation from the International Rehabilitation Organization toured the Smart Robotic Rehabilitation Laboratory, the first integrated laboratory in the Middle East for treatment and rehabilitation, located at the institution's headquarters. The laboratory showcases innovative ideas to enhance the organization's services, contributing to the overall well-being and happiness of its members and people with disabilities. The laboratory includes a total of eleven therapeutic devices, incorporating cutting-edge global technologies in treatment. These devices can be controlled through computers and robotic support systems.

The visit also included the therapeutic swimming pool, considered one of the most advanced therapeutic facilities in the United Arab Emirates. The pool provides aquatic therapy services for individuals with disabilities affiliated with the institution, catering to individuals of various ages and disabilities. It is particularly popular among children with disabilities.

The delegation visited the Equine Therapy Riding Center, equipped according to European standards for this type of therapy. The center provides its services to people with disabilities through horse riding training and treatment. It accommodates many cases from within and outside the institution, offering key services such as therapeutic horseback riding (a primary service), sensory therapy involving interactions with animals and plants, as well as equestrian sports.

Page Last Update: 28 February 2024
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