Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination signed a memorandum of understanding with the Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy regarding the organization's visually impaired clients and those diagnosed with retinal disorders. The organization will share the data for these clients on the database of the Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy, in order generate statistics and estimate client needs at the state level.

Client Data Sharing and Cooperation for the Benefit of the Visually Impaired and Individuals Diagnosed with Retinal Disorders
Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination signed a memorandum of understanding with the Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy regarding the organization's visually impaired clients and those diagnosed with retinal disorders. The organization will share the data for these clients on the database of the Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy, in order generate statistics and estimate client needs at the state level.
The memorandum was signed by His Excellency Abdulla Abdulalee Al Humaidan, Secretary General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination and by Her Excellency Khadija Darwish Al Qubaisi, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Executive Director of the. Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy
As per the terms of the memorandum of understanding, both entities will share their knowledge and experience on raising awareness, service provision and the client supervision across different age groups and stages of life, in order to spread community awareness relating to retinopathy and resulting visual impairment. Both entities will create a shared database for providing comprehensive care to clients and reduce the deterioration of their condition through awareness and follow-up, in addition to striving to provide comprehensive services to adapt the client's environment to best suit their healthcare, psychological, educational, professional and service needs. The organization and the foundation will also communicate and collaborate with international bodies and research centers to take advantage of the latest research and developments in the field to help improve the client's health and quality of life.
His Excellency Abdulla Abdulalee Al Humaidan, Secretary General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, stressed that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the foundation is in line with leadership directives and is representative of the organization's keenness to optimize service provision for people of determination, in order to facilitate their social inclusion.
He praised the Humaid Charitable Foundation for Retinopathy which, since its inception, has spread community awareness and introduced retinopathy to both individuals and entities to improve the lives of those with retinal disorders. Through its efforts, the foundation has gained a respected and trustworthy reputation and has undertaken successful care work for many individuals with retinal disorders at the state level.
His Excellency Abdulla Abdulalee Al Humaidan stressed the importance of achieving continual development of health services, especially for people of determination, with the aim of finding solutions to health-related challenges that may hinder their social inclusion. He said that strengthening communication between all parties to achieve shared goals for the benefit of people of determination is essential to the creation of effective entity cooperation. This cooperation is central to realizing the nation's vision of social responsibility relating to sustainable and health-oriented social development, in light of the efforts made in the fields of healthcare and humanitarian care for people of determination.
As mentioned by HE Khadija Darwish Alqubaisi her feelings during that moment was unbearable in regards of collaborating and signing a memorandum alongside a major institution such as Zayed's Higher Organization for people of determination that holds a name of our late leader that always clarified humanity in between individuals that up until today it still holds a powerful meaning in our hearts whether you were based in the UAE or not, his values of humanity and justice lives up until today.
Added by HE Khadija Darwish alqubaisi: anything that starts from scratch should face major circumstances but the simplest is introducing the idea to the community, and we're not bragging about being the greatest out there, but we started based on goals written down to get accomplished and we're staying up all night, working all day only to make sure that those goals get accomplished as soon as possible as being a non-profitable institution only here to serve targeted individuals.
Once those targeted individuals are targeted, they become affiliates to the institution that only got established to serve them, but that process isn't as easy as it sounds, gaining their trust was hard but thankfully we've approached that level.
Continued by Her Excellency: the idea of HCFR came out of a family some it's members were diagnosed with an un-curable disease scientifically called Retinopathy and it's a gene held by past family members, Humaid (may he rest in peace) came up with the idea of the institution but once he passed away and reached out to the mercy of god we held his (vision) to HE Hessa Eissa BuHumaid the minister of community development, and since she's a kind hearted minister (as we love to label her here at HCFR( and after she had a look at the database and planes, we were declared and we straight ahead worked on our plans and goals.